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New milestone: Bank account for Rise Up Now opened at Triodos

We have another fun piece of news to share with you. After months of patient waiting and several attempts at different banks, we were finally able to open a bank account for our foundation. It may seem like a small thing, but it was quite a challenge.

At several banks, we had to go through a lengthy process, sometimes for months, to finally be told that opening a bank account was not possible. This, of course, was a setback. However, at Triodos everything appeared to go more smoothly. Within just a few weeks, our bank account was settled, and we were incredibly relieved and excited by this positive turn of events.

This means we can now officially receive donations into Rise Up Now’s bank account. Previously, we used Kenya Child Care’s account, but since they are two separate foundations, we wanted to keep the finances separate. This is our new account number for the Rise Up Now Foundation: NL74 TRIO 0320 6945 77.

But of course, you can also donate directly through our website! Make a one-time donation or Become a Friend!